Gaeira's Anvil...BLOG
Metalsmithing Resources
* Sawing Tips
*Metal Alloy Table
*Class Handouts
Personal A&S Projects
- Viking Apron Dress
- Viking Under Dress
- Tablet Woven Belt
- Tablet Woven Belt, 2nd
- Woven Pouch
- Shawl
- Cloak
Viking Age: Jewelry
- Construction
- Brooches
- Lampwork, Glass Beads
Viking Age: Textiles
- Clothing
- Female Clothing
- 'Apron' Dress / VAD
- Hood
- Kaftan
- Leg Coverings NEW
Period Fiber Arts
- Fiber: Flax
- Fiber: Hemp
- Fiber: Lime Bast
- Fiber: Icelandic Wool
- Spinning
- Weaving
- Wool Felting
Tablet Weaving
- Nålebinding
- Sprang and Fingerloop
- Icelandic Textiles
- Edge Finish
- Textile Decorations
* Stitches and Seams
* Embroidery
* Sewing Tips
* Dress Form
- Bone, Antler, and Horn
- Footware
- Research
- Textiles
- Burial
- Animals
- Icelandic Wool
- Miscellany
- Arts
- Burial
- Heraldic Display
- Viking/ON Names
- Runes
- Conferences
- Voyages
- Miscellany
- Heraldry
- Heraldic Display
* SCA Heraldry
- Silk Painting
* SCA Dates
- Resources/Links
-- Class Handouts
Web: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
ETSY: Jewelry
Pinterest: CKraken
Vimeo: Gaeira's Anvil...Videos
Flickr: Gaeira (Photos from Museums)
FB: Gæira's Anvil (General Research)
FB: Gæira's Bench (Metalsmith, etc.)
FB: Gæira's Spindle (Textile Research)
IDD Guilds
Web: IDD Metalsmiths' Guild
FB: IDD Gilded Dragon
Web: IDD Gilded Dragon
Please also see: Heraldry, Heraldic Display ,Viking: 'Heraldic' Display , & Silk Painting
/ A / C-D / E / G-L / M-N / O-Z / SCA Links / Miscellaneous Links /
Kingdom Specific Links
Æthelmearc (OP)
Badges and traditional tokens (their graphics library)
- Click on the image for a larger image file.
Populace Badge (image file)
Roll of Arms
An Tir (OP)
Society and An Tir award pictures (their graphics library)
- "To view the badge of each Award, click on name (left). Display will be in a new window."
- "
including Laurel, Pelican, Grey Goose Shaft, and other award images (from Inlands website)"
Badges of the Awards of the Kingdom of An Tir
Award Descriptions (loading problem)
->Populace Badge and Ensign (Fieldless version)
->Populace Badge (Fielded version) (loading problem)
Mar21Roll of Arms
Ansteorra (OP)
Orders & Awards (their graphics library)
- Click on the text or image for more information, only some awards have small images.
Awards and Honors (title only, not text description or image)
Award Constitutions ( PDF file)
Populace Badge (GIF) @
Roll of Arms
Artemisia (OP)
- No Graphics Library found
Etcetera - The Kingdom of Artemisia (text description only)
Artemisia Awards.pdf (text description only, PDF file)
-> Populace Badge (none found, no reference to one either)
Roll of Arms
Atenveldt (OP)
Awards and Recognitions Overview (their graphics library)
Sumptuary Traditions and Guildlines for the Kingdom of Ateveldt (PDF file)
-> Populace Badge (none found, no reference to one either)
Roll of Arms
Atlantia (OP)
Awards (their graphics library)
Awards by Discipline *****
Graphics Repository - Kingdom Officers
Local Groups (Graphics)
Populace Badge (GIF) @
Avacal (OP)
- Populace Badge
Caid (OP)
A Caidan Armorial (their graphics library) (text descriptions of all Caid awards)
Caid Awards
Award Cords
-> Populace Badge from their Armorial page, this image is from their Kingdom Awards page. (image source unknown)
Calontir (OP)
No graphics library found, only a small or medium image to display the award artwork.
A small image of their Populace Badge is shown on:
Drachenwald (OP)
- No graphics library found, only a small image to display the registered heraldry.
Drachenwald heraldry FAQ: a bit of inter-kingdom anthropology
-> Populace Badge (none located)
Ealdormere (OP)
"Contained herein are the collected artworks of Kingdom, Baronial, Canton and Shire heraldry. Collections are saved in .rar." Their Populace Badge is located on this page:
-> Populace Badge
East Kingdom, Kingdom of the East's Graphic Library
"These images are available for you to use in newsletters, illustrations, websites and other official Kingdom applications. If you are a Local Branch Chronicler who would like to use an image in your publication, please email this office for a copy of the release form."
-> Populace Badge
Kingdom Populace Badge (By Baronne Genovefa Clerica, CC)
Collection of Patterns (Embroidery patterns)
by Keepers of Athena's Thimble
SCA East Kingdom Badges (Embroidery patterns)
Charts copyright 2002/2003 by Carol Hanson (Caryl de Trecesson)
EK badge JPGs
- B&W line drawings for the various East Kingdom award badges created by Maestra Giovanna del Penna, called Dresden.
Gleann Abhann (OP)
- No graphics library found, only a text description of Kingdom level awards.
-> Populace Badge (GIF) @
Lochac (OP)
- No graphics library found, only a text description of Kingdom level awards.
-> Populace Badge (Blazon only)
Roll of Arms
Meridies (OP)
Graphics Library
Consulting Orders (graphics)
-> Populace Badge
Middle, Midrealm (OP)
Graphics Library of Awards
-> Populace Badge (GIF)
- Embroidery formats of groups arms and most officer and award badges
Northshield (OP)
Kingdom Award Descriptions (also here)
Heraldic Images
-> Populace Badges (scroll down)
Outlands (OP)
Kingdom Awards (text only)
-> Populace Badge
Trimaris (OP)
Graphics Library
-> Populace Badge (GIF) @
Blazon: A triskele azure. A triskele gules. A triskele purpure. A triskele sable. A triskele vert.
West (OP)
Awards (text only)
-> Populace Badge
Roll of Arms
SCA Website Links
Geography:TheTwenty Kingdoms of the SCA (includes links to maps)
Orders, Awards, and Honors of the Kingdoms and Principalities of the SCA
-An image and description of each Kingdoms O, A, & H are displayed with a small image.
SCA Graphics
"The arms of the Society for Creative Anachronism (Or, a laurel wreath vert) are an SCA service mark. SCA groups are freely allowed to download the following versions of the arms, to use as artwork or as graphics for a weblink."
Library of SCA Documents
"Information on these pages will always be superseded by paper copy available from the Milpitas office. Those versions of documents are authoritative for all purposes." Sitemap
Miscellaneous Links
An Armorial of Precedence NEW
Kevin Rhodes
Kingdom/Principality Arms, Colors, Popular 'Use' Badge Queen's/Princess'/Consort's Arms and Rose/Flower
Conal's Corner: Kingdoms
- 'Free artwork for all SCA kingdoms is available on Conal's Corner, this artwork is released creative commons to SCA members.'
Arms of the Kingdoms of the Knowne World
Roll of Arms for various Kingdoms (also here)
Online Awards Lists for Other Kingdoms
Kingdoms' College of Heralds Sites
- Links to the College of Heralds' websites
- plus Ansteorra
Æthelmearc's College of Heralds' Tools and Links
Patterns by the Atlantian Embroiderers' Guild
"These patterns were created by guild members; most of the patterns were originally created for the guild's projects."
Populace Badges & Ensigns for the Kingdoms of the Known World
- SCA Officers Badges
Free Cross Stitch Patterns (for most Kingdoms)