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: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
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Web: IDD Gilded Dragon
I have read some conflicting information online about whether or not female Vikings wore Kaftan's or coats. Obviously they had to wear some type of exterior clothing to stay warm be it a Kaftan, shawl, cloak or coat-like item. I will continue to research this though any textile item makes this difficult especially for Viking research. For now I have my own interpretation (below).
The fabric for a Kaftan, like most fabric at the time, would most like have been woven on a Warp-Weighted Loom. See my Weaving page for more details about the fabric length and some details about seems/hem choices and reasons.

I am working on a Kaftan sewing pattern to add to this page. For now I have this plain line drawing to give an idea of what my interpretation is. Please see my VUD page for some more details about the source of this interpretation.
"Textile finds from Birka show that the tunic-type garments from 9th and 10th century Sweden did not have separate front and back panels with shoulder seams, but were cut as one large piece with a hole for the head opening." SOURCE
Kit: Coats - Female coats
on Wikiwood Wychwood Warriors Wiki
When a Viking Persona Gives You an Advantage Over the Cold, Or Staying Warm at Events, Part 1: The Caftan
Staying Warm at Events, Part 2: The Hood
Eugenia Swingle
Viking coat pattern
There are several things that I like about the pattern on this blog, but I would make at least 4 changes so that it is a bit more historically accurate based on my current research.
- no shoulder seems
- no slit in the back for the added gore(s) (that is later period)
- a keyhole style neck hole
- not cutting away the upside-down triangular shaped material at the front neckline (lapel area)