Gaeira's Anvil...BLOG
Metalsmithing Resources
* Sawing Tips
*Metal Alloy Table
*Class Handouts
Personal A&S Projects
- Viking Apron Dress
- Viking Under Dress
- Tablet Woven Belt
- Tablet Woven Belt, 2nd
- Woven Pouch
- Shawl
- Cloak
Viking Age: Jewelry
- Construction
- Brooches
- Lampwork, Glass Beads
Viking Age: Textiles
- Clothing
- Female Clothing
- 'Apron' Dress / VAD
- Hood
- Kaftan
- Leg Coverings NEW
Period Fiber Arts
- Fiber: Flax
- Fiber: Hemp
- Fiber: Lime Bast
- Fiber: Icelandic Wool
- Spinning
- Weaving
- Wool Felting
Tablet Weaving
- Nålebinding
- Sprang and Fingerloop
- Icelandic Textiles
- Edge Finish
- Textile Decorations
* Stitches and Seams
* Embroidery
* Sewing Tips
* Dress Form
- Bone, Antler, and Horn
- Footware
- Research
- Textiles
- Burial
- Animals
- Icelandic Wool
- Miscellany
- Arts
- Burial
- Heraldic Display
- Viking/ON Names
- Runes
- Conferences
- Voyages
- Miscellany
- Heraldry
- Heraldic Display
* SCA Heraldry
- Silk Painting
* SCA Dates
- Resources/Links
-- Class Handouts
Web: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
ETSY: Jewelry
Pinterest: CKraken
Vimeo: Gaeira's Anvil...Videos
Flickr: Gaeira (Photos from Museums)
FB: Gæira's Anvil (General Research)
FB: Gæira's Bench (Metalsmith, etc.)
FB: Gæira's Spindle (Textile Research)
IDD Guilds
Web: IDD Metalsmiths' Guild
FB: IDD Gilded Dragon
Web: IDD Gilded Dragon
Click here to go to my class handouts page.
My Personal Sawing and Piercing Tips and Suggestions:
by Gaeira Aggadottir, O.M.; from IDD, East Kingdom
(Resource), 5/30/2014

Jeweler Saw Blade Sizes and Information
Measurement Chart (B&S Gauge to Inches to Millimeters) (1-page, PDF)
Weight and Size Conversion Charts (for gems) (as a 1-page, PDF)
Pennyweight to Inches to Grams Conversion Calculator (1-page, PDF)
on G&S Metals
Jeweler's Saws and Blades Demystified - The Studio - Jewelry Blog
by Rio Grande
101 Bench Tips by Alan Revere
"These tips are excerpts from 101 Bench Tips by Alan Revere, published by MJSA. Illustrations by Sean Kane."
Brass Etching a Stall Plate
by Kevin Rhodes on Poore House
- You can attach your drawing/paper onto the surface of the metal using a fine mist spray adhesive. Rubber cement can also be used, but try to only apply a very thin coat otherwise it will gum up your saw blade's teeth. It might even shift around if you are holding it down with too much pressure.