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: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
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Web: IDD Gilded Dragon
cloak noun \ˈklōk\
: a piece of clothing that is used as a coat, that has no sleeves, and that is worn over the shoulders and attached at the neck
: a thing that hides or covers someone or something
"Cloaks generally fasten at the neck or over the shoulder, vary in length, from hip all the way down to the ankle, mid-calf being the normal length. They may have an attached hood, and may cover and fasten down the front, in which case they have holes or slits for the hands to pass through. However, cloaks are almost always sleeveless." SOURCE
I would also like to make
a style of cloak that I recently heard about, though I do not yet know if it has a specific name, I don't think it does.
It can be made from a rectagular piece of wool fabric. Depending on the length you fold back about 1/5 to 1/4 of the longest side. This flap will be wrapped around your neck and will be like a wide or doubled collar. A clasp or brooch can secure it on your shoulders by attaching at your neck. When your cold you can fold that flap over to cover your head like a hood and even wrap around your face a bit like a scarf.
One of the great things about this cloak is that it can be used as a blanket when not being worn, duel purpose clothing.
