Gaeira's Anvil...BLOG
Metalsmithing Resources
* Sawing Tips
*Metal Alloy Table
*Class Handouts
Personal A&S Projects
- Viking Apron Dress
- Viking Under Dress
- Tablet Woven Belt
- Tablet Woven Belt, 2nd
- Woven Pouch
- Shawl
- Cloak
Viking Age: Jewelry
- Construction
- Brooches
- Lampwork, Glass Beads
Viking Age: Textiles
- Clothing
- Female Clothing
- 'Apron' Dress / VAD
- Hood
- Kaftan
- Leg Coverings NEW
Period Fiber Arts
- Fiber: Flax
- Fiber: Hemp
- Fiber: Lime Bast
- Fiber: Icelandic Wool
- Spinning
- Weaving
- Wool Felting
Tablet Weaving
- Nålebinding
- Sprang and Fingerloop
- Icelandic Textiles
- Edge Finish
- Textile Decorations
* Stitches and Seams
* Embroidery
* Sewing Tips
* Dress Form
- Bone, Antler, and Horn
- Footware
- Research
- Textiles
- Burial
- Animals
- Icelandic Wool
- Miscellany
- Arts
- Burial
- Heraldic Display
- Viking/ON Names
- Runes
- Conferences
- Voyages
- Miscellany
- Heraldry
- Heraldic Display
* SCA Heraldry
- Silk Painting
* SCA Dates
- Resources/Links
-- Class Handouts
Web: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
ETSY: Jewelry
Pinterest: CKraken
Vimeo: Gaeira's Anvil...Videos
Flickr: Gaeira (Photos from Museums)
FB: Gæira's Anvil (General Research)
FB: Gæira's Bench (Metalsmith, etc.)
FB: Gæira's Spindle (Textile Research)
IDD Guilds
Web: IDD Metalsmiths' Guild
FB: IDD Gilded Dragon
Web: IDD Gilded Dragon
The Viking and Anglo-Saxon Stitches
- Running Stitch (varient: Stab Stitch, one stitch at a time)
- *Hem or Hemming Stitch ** [spiral shape]
- *Whip Stitch (varients: Oversewing and Overcast Stitches) [spiral shape]
- Blanket Stitch **&***
(varient: Buttonhole Stitch)
- Herringbone Stitch**
* Various sources have them marked down as different categories so sometimes they say 4 stitches others say 5 stitches.
The Whip Stitch and the Hem/Hemming Stitch are very similar stitches.
The Whip Stitch is at the edge of the fabric (like the Blanket Stitch) and helps to prevent fraying or unraveling.
Hem/Hemming Stitch goes through 2 or more layers of fabric.
Additional SCA Period Stitches
- Split Stitch *** (great solid lines, but also a thin and delicate looking outline; used for filling in areas, you can do ALL of your embroidery with this single stitch)
- Chain Stitch *** (great for thickly outlining designs)
Also depending on time period/region:
- Back Stitch
- Stem Stitch***
- Satin Stitch***
(to fill in areas)
- Couching***
- Bayeau Stitch***
** Decorative Edging / Hemming Stitches
*** Embroidery Stitches / Techniques
An Unseamly Mistake — Seam Topstitching *****
by Kass McGann
Decorative Stitches and Seams
Sherts, Trewes, & Hose .ij. : Documentable Details ***** NEW
by by maistre Emrys Eustace, hight Broom
- Sewing Overview, Buttons & Buttonholes, Braided cords, Cloth Buttons, Eyelets, Neckline Facing, Tablet-woven edge treatment, T&C p 161, Estimated Times to Manufacture Clothes, Garters and Dags (with citations)
Medieval Sewing Techniques: Stitches, Seams & Sewing NEW
by Rosalie Gilbert
Stitches and Seam Techniques (mirror) (28-page PDF) *****
on Viking Clothing Guides:
Looking for the Evidence - Historical research
by Jenny (Jennifer) Baker
- Shows how to make each stitch as well as where extant finds were made, how the stitch was used, etc.
- I've been told that on page 18, #5, the London stitch for hemming is 2 threads not 2 colours, I'm trying to find out more about that.
Database of Stitches from Extant Textiles (30-page, PDF)
by Sabrina de la Bere
Early Period Seam Treatments (10-page PDF) *****
Diane S. Dooley / Lady Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva (main)
- Her other handouts.
Archaeological Sewing *****
by Heather Rose Jones
Sewing Stitches Used in Medieval Clothing Compilied **
by Jennifer L. Carlson
Glossary of some medieval clothing terms
by I. Marc Carlson
Viking Embroidery Stitches and Motifs
by Carolyn Priest-Dorman / Þóra Sharptooth
Reconstructing a Viking Hanging Dress from Haithabu
by Peter Beatson and Christobel Ferguson
- Go down to the section, 'Construction details'.
Run & Fell - Instructions for run and fell seams **
by Ydalir Vikings
Equipment Guide #1 Basic Costume (80-page PDF) ***
Originally Compiled by Russell Scott for THE VIKINGS Ex Libris:
by The Vikings (Resources -> Guides)
- p. 53-55 'Annex 3 - Stitch Types'
- p. 56-58 'Annex 4 - Basic Tablet Weaving'
- p. 60-62 'Annex 6 - Practicle Naalbinding'
- p. 70-71 'Annex 10 - Sewing Leather'
Dark Age Stitch Types - Viking and Saxon Stitches
on an unofficial site for The Vikings! (NFPS)
"This document was taken from Annex 3 titled "Stitch Types" of The Vikings (NFPS) - Equipment Guide No. 1 Basic Costume. It has been editorialized a bit for the WWW."
- So it is a HTML version of the link above for p. 53-55 'Annex 3 - Stitch Types'.
Embroidery for Clothing - Anglo-Saxon (link to 24-page PDF)
Jane Stockton
- p. 8-9 'Stitches'
Fun with Norse/Viking Embroidery
Gregor Reinhardt von Holstein and Genoveva von Lübeck
Regia Anglorum - Basic Clothing Guide Hems and Seams
on Regia Anglorum
Early medieval textile remains from settlements in the Netherlands. An evaluation of textile production
Chrystel R. Brandenburgh
Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries 2-1 (May 2010)
Early Gaelic Dress An Introduction (30-page, PDF) ***
by Scott Barrett / Finnacan Dub
Stitches (How-To)
Medieval Hand Stitching – Basic Stitches (Start Here) **** NEW
Hand Stitching and Finishing Techniques **** NEW
Hand Sewing Tutorials **** NEW
by Sidney Eileen
Working the Running Stitch
How to Work the Back Stitch
Directions for Working the Blanket Stitch
Working the Stem Stitch and Variations of the Stem Stitch
Working the Chain Stitch
Directions for Working the Herringbone Stitch
- Herringbone Stitch - Tied (I do not know if this is period)
- How to Work the Double Herringbone Stitch(I do not know if this is period)
Satin Stitch - Basic
- Satin Stitch - Long & Short (I do not know if this is period)
by Cheryl Fall, Licensed to
Embroidery Stitches
A Complete List of the Stitches on This Site
from Cheryl Fall, former Guide
Stitches for Gorgeous Gloves
Photo: Maryellen McGoldrick
Embroidery Stitches
Embroidery Tips
Sewing Tips (modern)
by Penguin and
Hand Stitches (8-page, PDF)
by University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture
- Includes tips for basic hand sewing
Flat Felled vs French Seams
by Shannon
Flat-felling a curved seam <---
by Carolyn
Blanket Stitch Tutorial - Finishing
Tamara Bostwick
Stitch Directory, Surface embroidery stitches, Stitch Dictionary
by Kelly Fletcher
Flat Felled Seam with Trim {Tutorial}
- For a modern take, not period.
Later Stitches
14th Century Garment Construction Techniques
by Merouda Tremayne
Finishing: Fancy Hemming and Needlelace Edgings in the 16th C Fall (3-page, PDF)
by Sabrina de la Bere
- More class handouts.
How to Hand Sew Eyelets NEW
by Sidney Eileen
Modern Embroidery Sites
Tips & Techniques (main page) *****
by Mary Corbet's Needle 'n Thread
Mary Corbet's Needle 'n Thread & non-FB
Racaire's Embroidery & Needlework & non-FB
Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials
Picture Dictionary
by Sarah and Rocksalt
The Cutting Class
"The Cutting Class provides an online analysis of key haute couture and ready-to-wear collections with a focus on construction techniques and design methodology"
* On my Viking Apron Dress (VAD*) go to the, 'About VAD' section. Many of the links have details about extant beads, brooches, stitches, decorations, etc.
