Gaeira's Anvil...BLOG
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Viking Age: Textiles
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Period Fiber Arts
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- Fiber: Hemp
- Fiber: Lime Bast
- Fiber: Icelandic Wool
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- Wool Felting
Tablet Weaving
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-- Class Handouts
Web: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
ETSY: Jewelry
Pinterest: CKraken
Vimeo: Gaeira's Anvil...Videos
Flickr: Gaeira (Photos from Museums)
FB: Gæira's Anvil (General Research)
FB: Gæira's Bench (Metalsmith, etc.)
FB: Gæira's Spindle (Textile Research)
IDD Guilds
Web: IDD Metalsmiths' Guild
FB: IDD Gilded Dragon
Web: IDD Gilded Dragon
Please also see: Icelandic Viking Animals & Fiber: Flax, Fiber: Hemp, Fiber: Lime Bast
Last summer, I located someone who raises Icelandic Sheep and she sells the raw fleece. I bought both white with moorit spots and black fleece so I will not need to do any dyeing. (bought @ HeddlesandTreadles: Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle)
The raw lamb fleece still needs to be washed and combed/carded to produce roving. I will be able to spin it into the 3 types of yarn you can get from this dual-coated fleece.
"Icelandic fleece is dual-coated. In Icelandic the long outer coat is called tog and the fine inner coat þel. When separated, the outer and inner coats are used for different woolen products. (...) Tog and þel are processed together to produce lopi, a distinctive knitting wool that is only made from the fleece of Icelandic sheep." (Source)
How is lopi yarn different from other knitting wool?
Some information on Icelandic Sheep:
Breeds of Livestock - Icelandic Sheep
on Sheep and Livestock
Icelandic sheep, their wool and their history
on Icelandic Horses
Icelandic sheep
on Icelandic Horses
Icelandic Sheep Breeders of North America
Wool: preparing, washing and pressing ***** NEW
Katafalk – Cathrin Åhlén [Blog & FaceBook, Pinterest]
- She has a LONG list of tutorials which include many pre-1600 clothing and items as well as modern items and sewing tips.