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: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry
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FB: Gæira's Spindle (Textile Research)
IDD Guilds
Web: IDD Metalsmiths' Guild
FB: IDD Gilded Dragon
Web: IDD Gilded Dragon
I will be posting my research, links and progress here on my Tablet Weaving (TW) / Card Woven (CW) projects.
For my first TW belt I used cotton crochet yarn in beige and navy blue on an Inkle Loom that was set up for TW. I used a standard deck of playing cards cut down so that they are square. The 4 holes were done using a paper hole punch and I measured them so that they are all alike.
It was set up with 18 cards (all S-threaded) with the first and last one set up with all 4 as navy to act as a thin border. The other cards were 2 being on top and 2 navy on the bottom, so diagnally it's the opposite color.
It was a Double-Face Weave which uses just two colors. The color that appears on the front surface of the band will have the other color on the back surface.

I will include a short tutorial here when I create it.