Gaeira's Anvil (A&S)

Gaeira's Anvil...BLOG

Metalsmithing Resources

* Sawing Tips
*Metal Alloy Table
*Class Handouts

Personal A&S
- Viking Apron Dress
- Viking Under Dress

- Tablet Woven Belt
- Tablet Woven Belt, 2nd

- Woven Pouch

- Shawl


Viking Age: Jewelry
- Construction

- Lampwork, Glass Beads

Viking Age: Textiles
- Clothing
- Female Clothing
- 'Apron' Dress / VAD

- Hood
- Kaftan

- Leg Coverings NEW

Period Fiber Arts
- Fiber: Flax
- Fiber: Hemp
- Fiber: Lime Bast
- Fiber: Icelandic Wool
- Spinning
- Weaving
- Wool Felting
- Tablet Weaving
- Nålebinding
Sprang and Fingerloop
- Icelandic Textiles

Edge Finish

- Textile Decorations

* Stitches and Seams

* Embroidery
* Sewing Tips
* Dress Form

- Bone, Antler, and Horn

- Footware

- Research
- Textiles
- Burial
- Animals
- Icelandic Wool
- Miscellany

- Arts
- Burial
- Heraldic Display
- Viking/ON Names
- Runes
- Conferences
- Voyages
- Miscellany

- Heraldry
- Heraldic Display
* SCA Heraldry

- Silk Painting
* SCA Dates

- Resources/Links


-- Class Handouts


Web: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry

FB : Gæira's Anvil Jewelry

ETSY: Jewelry

Pinterest: CKraken

Vimeo: Gaeira's Anvil...Videos

Flickr: Gaeira (Photos from Museums)

FB: Gæira's Anvil (General Research)

FB: Gæira's Bench (Metalsmith, etc.)

FB: Gæira's Spindle (Textile Research)

IDD Guilds

Web: IDD Metalsmiths' Guild

FB: IDD Gilded Dragon

Web: IDD Gilded Dragon

Welcome to Gæira's Anvil!

This is the home of my Arts & Science (A&S) projects and research. As you can see from the menu at the left-hand side, I have quite a few items to research and create.

Throught the year I give jewelry classes, please check back for my class schedule and detail updates. My class handouts are available as PDF files.

I am a Goldsmith, my jewelry website is Gæira's Anvil Jewelry (

On FaceBook : Gæira's Anvil Jewelry (for updates)

On ETSY: Gæira's Anvil Jewelry (only a few pieces are posted here)

My new Metalsmithing blog, Gaeira's Anvil...BLOG

In March 2013, I founded the L'Ile du Dragon Dormant Metalsmiths' Guild (IDD Metalsmiths' Guild or IDDMG). IDDMG's Resource Website: Resources for Montreal and Quebec metalsmiths as well as a few pages for regions beyond.

Gaeira's Bench is my Metalsmithing inspiration and link page on Facebook,  I post links to research, tutorials, tip/tricks, inspirational items, humor, and a variety of other related items, not just metal.

My A&S inspiration and link Facebook page is Gaeira's Anvil, where I share some of my online research and discoveries for my wide range of interests. I will add many of those links here.

Gaeira's Spindle is my textile inspiration and link page on Facebook, it is where I share of my online textile finds.

In December 2013, I founded the IDD Gilded Dragon (IDDGD) a beautification Guild for the adornment of IDD's encampment, court and events through decorations, bling, feast gear, largess and many other items created by the great talent of its creative and artistic populous.

I also have an extensive Pinterest board called CKraken with a wide range of links to tutorials, inspiration, research, and information. My Flickr albums with pictures from various museum exhibits.

Please note that all of the text on my site is based on my current knowledge and research, I am not an expert. As I learn more I will update my pages and information as well as correct any errors.

Thank you for visiting,
Gæira Aggadóttir, O.M.

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